INFO 20/07 16:43:52 antiSMASH version: 7.0.0 INFO 20/07 16:43:52 diamond using executable: /usr/bin/diamond-aligner (2.0.7) INFO 20/07 16:43:52 hmmpfam2 using executable: /usr/bin/hmm2pfam (2.3.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:52 fasttree using executable: /usr/bin/fasttree INFO 20/07 16:43:52 hmmsearch using executable: /usr/bin/hmmsearch (3.3.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:52 hmmpress using executable: /usr/bin/hmmpress (3.3.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:52 hmmscan using executable: /usr/bin/hmmscan (3.3.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:54 meme using executable: /usr/bin/meme (4.11.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:54 fimo using executable: /usr/bin/fimo (4.11.2) INFO 20/07 16:43:54 glimmerhmm using executable: /usr/bin/glimmerhmm INFO 20/07 16:43:54 prodigal using executable: /usr/bin/prodigal (V2.6.3) INFO 20/07 16:43:54 blastp using executable: /usr/bin/blastp (2.11.0+) INFO 20/07 16:43:54 makeblastdb using executable: /usr/bin/makeblastdb (2.11.0+) DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.detection.hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/hmm_detection/data/bgc_seeds.hmm' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/hmm_detection/data/bgc_seeds.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/hmm_detection/data/bgc_seeds.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/hmm_detection/data/bgc_seeds.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/hmm_detection/data/bgc_seeds.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/resfam/Resfams.hmm' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/genefunctions/data/smcogs.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/genefunctions/data/smcogs.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/genefunctions/data/smcogs.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/genefunctions/data/smcogs.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/resfam/Resfams.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/resfam/Resfams.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/resfam/Resfams.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/resfam/Resfams.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/abmotifs.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/abmotifs.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/abmotifs.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/abmotifs.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/dockingdomains.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/dockingdomains.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/dockingdomains.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/dockingdomains.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/ksdomains.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/ksdomains.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/ksdomains.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/ksdomains.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/nrpspksdomains.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/nrpspksdomains.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/nrpspksdomains.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/detection/nrps_pks_domains/data/nrpspksdomains.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/nrps_pks/transATor/2023.02.23/transATor.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/nrps_pks/transATor/2023.02.23/transATor.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/nrps_pks/transATor/2023.02.23/transATor.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/nrps_pks/transATor/2023.02.23/transATor.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.detection.tigrfam DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/tigrfam/TIGRFam.hmm' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/tigrfam/TIGRFam.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/tigrfam/TIGRFam.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/tigrfam/TIGRFam.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/tigrfam/TIGRFam.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-KR.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-KS_N.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-KS_C.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-AT.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-ACP.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-DH.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/Thioesterase.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/PKSI-ER.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/active_site_finder/data/p450.hmm2' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clustercompare/mibig/3.1/data.json' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clustercompare/mibig/3.1/proteins.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clustercompare/mibig/3.1/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clustercompare/mibig/3.1/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/knownclusterblast/3.1/clusters.txt' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/knownclusterblast/3.1/proteins.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/knownclusterblast/3.1/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/knownclusterblast/3.1/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clusterblast/clusters.txt' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clusterblast/proteins.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clusterblast/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/clusterblast/proteins.dmnd' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/sub/proteins.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/sub/proteins.fasta.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/sub/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/sub/proteins.fasta.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/sub/clusters.txt' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.pdb' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.pot' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.ptf' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/asdb/3.0/cores.fa.pto' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.pdb' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.pot' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.ptf' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/comparippson/mibig/3.1/cores.fa.pto' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/data/terminals/cterm.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/data/terminals/nterm.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/at_analysis/data/AT_domains_muscle.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/kr_analysis/data/KRdomains_muscle.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/minowa/data/AT_domains_muscle.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found existing cache for /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/nrps_pks/minowa/data/CAL_domains_muscle.fasta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/pfam2go/data/pfam2go.txt' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/rrefinder/data/RREFam.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/rrefinder/data/RREFam.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/rrefinder/data/RREFam.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/rrefinder/data/RREFam.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/KSIII.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/KSIII.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/KSIII.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/AT.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/AT.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/AT.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/LIG.fasta' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/LIG.phr' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/LIG.psq' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/t2pks.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/t2pks.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/t2pks.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/t2pks/data/t2pks.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/tfbs_finder/data/PWMs.json' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/thiopeptides/data/thiopep3.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/thiopeptides/data/thiopep3.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/thiopeptides/data/thiopep3.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/modules/thiopeptides/data/thiopep3.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for antismash.outputs.html DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/outputs/html/css/bacteria.css' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/outputs/html/css/fungi.css' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/antismash/outputs/html/css/plants.css' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking prerequisites for DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.detection.hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3f' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3i' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3m' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Found file '/databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm.h3p' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.detection.tigrfam DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for antismash.outputs.html DEBUG 20/07 16:43:54 Checking options for INFO 20/07 16:43:54 Parsing input sequence '/input/GCF_023336755.1_Roseibaca_sp.V10_V10.gbk' DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000001.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000002.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000003.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000004.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000005.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000006.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000007.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000008.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000009.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000010.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000011.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000012.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000013.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000014.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000015.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000016.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000017.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000018.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000019.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000020.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000021.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000022.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000023.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000024.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000025.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000026.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000027.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000028.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000029.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000030.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000031.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000032.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000033.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000034.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000035.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000036.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000037.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000038.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000039.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000040.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000041.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000042.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000043.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000044.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000045.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000046.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000047.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000048.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000049.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000050.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000051.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000052.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Stripping antiSMASH features and annotations from record: NZ_JALZWP010000053.1 DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Converting records from biopython to secmet DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Removing existing region genbank files DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Reusing output directory: /data/antismash/upload/bacteria-8feaf8a8-d7db-4946-9c34-b6acc2be3a0f DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Preprocessing 53 sequences DEBUG 20/07 16:43:55 Sanitising record ids and sequences DEBUG 20/07 16:43:56 Removing sequences smaller than 1000 bases DEBUG 20/07 16:43:56 Ensuring records have CDS features with all required information INFO 20/07 16:43:57 No CDS features found in record 'NZ_JALZWP010000038.1', running gene finding. DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 Running prodigal based genefinding DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 prodigal found 4 CDS features INFO 20/07 16:43:57 No CDS features found in record 'NZ_JALZWP010000039.1', running gene finding. DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 Running prodigal based genefinding DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 prodigal found 2 CDS features INFO 20/07 16:43:57 No CDS features found in record 'NZ_JALZWP010000051.1', running gene finding. DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 Running prodigal based genefinding DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 prodigal found 1 CDS features INFO 20/07 16:43:57 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000001.1 INFO 20/07 16:43:57 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:43:57 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:43:57 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:43:57 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:44:00 1 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:00 1 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:44:00 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:44:00 1 region(s) detected in record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:00 Checking if antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:00 Running antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer INFO 20/07 16:44:00 Running cluster PFAM search DEBUG 20/07 16:44:08 Building name mapping for HMMer database Pfam-A.hmm DEBUG 20/07 16:44:14 Building cutoff mapping for HMMer database /databases/pfam/34.0/Pfam-A.hmm DEBUG 20/07 16:44:18 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer to record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:18 Checking if antismash.detection.genefunctions should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:18 Running antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.genefunctions to record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 annotating CDS features with resist info: 0 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 annotating CDS features with smcogs info: 4 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 Checking if antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:20 Running antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 Marking NRPS/PKS CDS features and domains in clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains to record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:20 Checking if antismash.detection.tigrfam should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:20 Running antismash.detection.tigrfam INFO 20/07 16:44:20 Running TIGRFam search DEBUG 20/07 16:44:23 Building name mapping for HMMer database TIGRFam.hmm DEBUG 20/07 16:44:25 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.tigrfam to record DEBUG 20/07 16:44:25 Checking if antismash.modules.active_site_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:25 Running antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:44:25 Checking if antismash.modules.cluster_compare should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:25 Running antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:44:25 Loading comparison database: MIBiG DEBUG 20/07 16:44:26 Comparison database loaded INFO 20/07 16:44:26 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:44:28 Checking if antismash.modules.clusterblast should be run INFO 20/07 16:44:28 Running antismash.modules.clusterblast INFO 20/07 16:44:28 Finding internal homologs in each gene cluster... INFO 20/07 16:44:28 Running ClusterBlast INFO 20/07 16:44:28 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:44:31 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:44:45 Comparing regions to reference database INFO 20/07 16:45:53 Running subcluster search INFO 20/07 16:45:53 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:45:53 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:45:54 Running known cluster search INFO 20/07 16:45:54 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:45:54 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... DEBUG 20/07 16:45:54 Running DIAMOND knowncluster searches.. INFO 20/07 16:45:54 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:45:57 Checking if antismash.modules.lanthipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:45:57 Running antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:45:57 Lanthipeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:46:00 Checking if antismash.modules.lassopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:00 Running antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Lassopeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Checking if antismash.modules.nrps_pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:01 Running antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Checking if antismash.modules.pfam2go should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:01 Running antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Checking if antismash.modules.rrefinder should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:01 Running antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Checking if antismash.modules.sactipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:01 Running antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:46:01 Found no sactipeptide motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:46:02 Checking if antismash.modules.t2pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:02 Running antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:46:02 No type II PKS clusters to analyze DEBUG 20/07 16:46:02 Checking if antismash.modules.tfbs_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:02 Running antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:46:02 Checking if antismash.modules.thiopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:02 Running antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:46:02 Thiopeptides marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:46:03 Checking if antismash.modules.tta should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:03 Running antismash.modules.tta INFO 20/07 16:46:03 Skipping TTA codon detection, GC content too low: 61% INFO 20/07 16:46:03 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000002.1 INFO 20/07 16:46:03 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:46:03 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:03 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:46:03 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:46:06 3 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:06 3 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:46:06 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:46:06 2 region(s) detected in record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:06 Checking if antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:06 Running antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer INFO 20/07 16:46:06 Running cluster PFAM search DEBUG 20/07 16:46:37 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer to record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:37 Checking if antismash.detection.genefunctions should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:37 Running antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:46:40 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.genefunctions to record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:40 annotating CDS features with resist info: 1 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:46:40 annotating CDS features with smcogs info: 22 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:46:40 Checking if antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:40 Running antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:46:40 Marking NRPS/PKS CDS features and domains in clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:46:41 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains to record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:41 Checking if antismash.detection.tigrfam should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:41 Running antismash.detection.tigrfam INFO 20/07 16:46:41 Running TIGRFam search DEBUG 20/07 16:46:51 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.tigrfam to record DEBUG 20/07 16:46:51 Checking if antismash.modules.active_site_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:51 Running antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:46:52 Checking if antismash.modules.cluster_compare should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:52 Running antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:46:52 Loading comparison database: MIBiG DEBUG 20/07 16:46:52 Comparison database loaded INFO 20/07 16:46:52 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:46:56 Checking if antismash.modules.clusterblast should be run INFO 20/07 16:46:56 Running antismash.modules.clusterblast INFO 20/07 16:46:56 Finding internal homologs in each gene cluster... INFO 20/07 16:46:58 Running ClusterBlast INFO 20/07 16:46:58 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:47:00 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:47:14 Comparing regions to reference database INFO 20/07 16:48:30 Running subcluster search INFO 20/07 16:48:30 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:48:30 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:48:32 Running known cluster search INFO 20/07 16:48:32 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:48:32 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... DEBUG 20/07 16:48:32 Running DIAMOND knowncluster searches.. INFO 20/07 16:48:32 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:48:37 Checking if antismash.modules.lanthipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:37 Running antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:48:37 Lanthipeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:48:39 Checking if antismash.modules.lassopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:39 Running antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:48:40 Lassopeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:48:40 Checking if antismash.modules.nrps_pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:40 Running antismash.modules.nrps_pks INFO 20/07 16:48:40 Predicting PKS AT domain substrate specificities by Yadav et al. PKS signature sequences INFO 20/07 16:48:41 Predicting PKS AT domain substrate specificities by Minowa et al. method INFO 20/07 16:48:43 Predicting CAL domain substrate specificities by Minowa et al. method INFO 20/07 16:48:43 Predicting PKS KR activity and stereochemistry using KR fingerprints from Starcevic et al. DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 CandidateCluster 1 monomer ordering method: colinear DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 CandidateCluster 2 monomer ordering method: colinear DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 CandidateCluster 3 monomer ordering method: colinear DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 CandidateCluster 4 monomer ordering method: colinear DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 Checking if antismash.modules.pfam2go should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:43 Running antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 Checking if antismash.modules.rrefinder should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:43 Running antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 Checking if antismash.modules.sactipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:43 Running antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:48:43 Found no sactipeptide motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:48:44 Checking if antismash.modules.t2pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:44 Running antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:48:44 No type II PKS clusters to analyze DEBUG 20/07 16:48:44 Checking if antismash.modules.tfbs_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:44 Running antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:48:45 Checking if antismash.modules.thiopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:45 Running antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:48:45 Thiopeptides marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:48:46 Checking if antismash.modules.tta should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:46 Running antismash.modules.tta INFO 20/07 16:48:46 Skipping TTA codon detection, GC content too low: 61% INFO 20/07 16:48:46 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000003.1 INFO 20/07 16:48:46 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:48:46 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:46 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:48:46 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:48:48 1 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:48 1 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:48:48 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:48:48 1 region(s) detected in record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:48 Checking if antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:48 Running antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer INFO 20/07 16:48:48 Running cluster PFAM search DEBUG 20/07 16:48:52 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer to record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:52 Checking if antismash.detection.genefunctions should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:52 Running antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.genefunctions to record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 annotating CDS features with resist info: 0 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 annotating CDS features with smcogs info: 2 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 Checking if antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:53 Running antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 Marking NRPS/PKS CDS features and domains in clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains to record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:53 Checking if antismash.detection.tigrfam should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:53 Running antismash.detection.tigrfam INFO 20/07 16:48:53 Running TIGRFam search DEBUG 20/07 16:48:55 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.tigrfam to record DEBUG 20/07 16:48:55 Checking if antismash.modules.active_site_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:55 Running antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:48:55 Checking if antismash.modules.cluster_compare should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:55 Running antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:48:55 Loading comparison database: MIBiG DEBUG 20/07 16:48:55 Comparison database loaded INFO 20/07 16:48:55 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:48:56 Checking if antismash.modules.clusterblast should be run INFO 20/07 16:48:56 Running antismash.modules.clusterblast INFO 20/07 16:48:56 Finding internal homologs in each gene cluster... INFO 20/07 16:48:57 Running ClusterBlast INFO 20/07 16:48:57 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:48:59 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:49:14 Comparing regions to reference database INFO 20/07 16:50:20 Running subcluster search INFO 20/07 16:50:20 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:50:20 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:50:21 Running known cluster search INFO 20/07 16:50:21 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:50:21 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... DEBUG 20/07 16:50:21 Running DIAMOND knowncluster searches.. INFO 20/07 16:50:21 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:50:24 Checking if antismash.modules.lanthipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:24 Running antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:50:24 Lanthipeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:50:25 Checking if antismash.modules.lassopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:25 Running antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Lassopeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Checking if antismash.modules.nrps_pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:27 Running antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Checking if antismash.modules.pfam2go should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:27 Running antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Checking if antismash.modules.rrefinder should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:27 Running antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Checking if antismash.modules.sactipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:27 Running antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:50:27 Found no sactipeptide motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:50:28 Checking if antismash.modules.t2pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:28 Running antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:50:28 No type II PKS clusters to analyze DEBUG 20/07 16:50:28 Checking if antismash.modules.tfbs_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:28 Running antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:50:28 Checking if antismash.modules.thiopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:28 Running antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:50:28 Thiopeptides marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:50:30 Checking if antismash.modules.tta should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:30 Running antismash.modules.tta INFO 20/07 16:50:30 Skipping TTA codon detection, GC content too low: 61% INFO 20/07 16:50:30 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000004.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:30 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:30 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:30 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:30 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:31 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:31 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:31 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:31 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:50:31 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000005.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:31 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:31 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:31 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:31 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:33 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:33 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:33 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:33 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:50:33 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000006.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:33 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:33 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:33 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:33 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:34 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:34 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:34 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:34 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:50:34 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000007.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:34 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:34 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:34 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:34 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:35 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:35 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:35 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:35 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:50:35 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000008.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:35 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:35 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:35 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:35 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:37 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:37 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:37 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:37 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:50:37 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000009.1 INFO 20/07 16:50:37 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:37 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:37 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:50:37 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:50:38 1 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:38 1 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:50:38 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:50:38 1 region(s) detected in record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:38 Checking if antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:38 Running antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer INFO 20/07 16:50:38 Running cluster PFAM search DEBUG 20/07 16:50:46 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer to record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:46 Checking if antismash.detection.genefunctions should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:46 Running antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.genefunctions to record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 annotating CDS features with resist info: 0 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 annotating CDS features with smcogs info: 0 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 Checking if antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:47 Running antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 Marking NRPS/PKS CDS features and domains in clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains to record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:47 Checking if antismash.detection.tigrfam should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:47 Running antismash.detection.tigrfam INFO 20/07 16:50:47 Running TIGRFam search DEBUG 20/07 16:50:50 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.tigrfam to record DEBUG 20/07 16:50:50 Checking if antismash.modules.active_site_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:50 Running antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:50:50 Checking if antismash.modules.cluster_compare should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:50 Running antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:50:50 Loading comparison database: MIBiG DEBUG 20/07 16:50:50 Comparison database loaded INFO 20/07 16:50:50 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:50:51 Checking if antismash.modules.clusterblast should be run INFO 20/07 16:50:51 Running antismash.modules.clusterblast INFO 20/07 16:50:51 Finding internal homologs in each gene cluster... INFO 20/07 16:50:52 Running ClusterBlast INFO 20/07 16:50:52 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:50:53 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:51:08 Comparing regions to reference database INFO 20/07 16:52:14 Running subcluster search INFO 20/07 16:52:14 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:52:14 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:52:15 Running known cluster search INFO 20/07 16:52:15 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:52:15 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... DEBUG 20/07 16:52:15 Running DIAMOND knowncluster searches.. INFO 20/07 16:52:15 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:52:18 Checking if antismash.modules.lanthipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:18 Running antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:52:18 Lanthipeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:52:19 Checking if antismash.modules.lassopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:19 Running antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Lassopeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Checking if antismash.modules.nrps_pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:21 Running antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 No NRPS or PKS genes found, skipping analysis DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Checking if antismash.modules.pfam2go should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:21 Running antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Checking if antismash.modules.rrefinder should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:21 Running antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Building name mapping for HMMer database RREFam.hmm DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Checking if antismash.modules.sactipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:21 Running antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:52:21 Found no sactipeptide motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:52:22 Checking if antismash.modules.t2pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:22 Running antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:52:22 No type II PKS clusters to analyze DEBUG 20/07 16:52:22 Checking if antismash.modules.tfbs_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:22 Running antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:52:22 Checking if antismash.modules.thiopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:22 Running antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:52:22 Thiopeptides marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:52:23 Checking if antismash.modules.tta should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:23 Running antismash.modules.tta INFO 20/07 16:52:23 Skipping TTA codon detection, GC content too low: 61% INFO 20/07 16:52:23 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000010.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:23 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:23 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:23 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:23 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:25 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:25 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:25 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:25 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:25 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000011.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:25 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:25 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:25 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:25 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:26 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000012.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:26 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:26 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000013.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:26 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:26 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:26 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:27 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:27 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:27 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:27 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:27 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000014.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:27 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:27 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:27 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:27 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:28 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:28 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:28 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:28 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:28 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000015.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:28 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:28 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:28 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:28 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:29 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:29 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:29 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:29 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:29 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000016.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:29 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:29 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:29 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:29 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:30 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:30 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:30 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:30 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:30 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000017.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:30 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:30 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:30 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:30 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:31 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000018.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:31 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:31 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000019.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:31 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:31 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:31 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:32 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:32 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:32 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:32 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:32 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000020.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:32 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:32 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:32 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:32 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:33 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000021.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:33 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:33 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000022.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:33 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:33 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:33 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:34 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:34 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:34 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:34 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:34 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000023.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:34 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:34 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:34 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:34 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:35 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000024.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:35 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:35 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000025.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:35 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:35 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:35 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:36 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:36 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:36 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:36 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:52:36 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000026.1 INFO 20/07 16:52:36 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:36 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:36 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:52:36 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:52:37 1 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:37 1 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:52:37 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:52:37 1 region(s) detected in record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:37 Checking if antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:37 Running antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer INFO 20/07 16:52:37 Running cluster PFAM search DEBUG 20/07 16:52:44 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer to record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:44 Checking if antismash.detection.genefunctions should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:44 Running antismash.detection.genefunctions DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.genefunctions to record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 annotating CDS features with resist info: 0 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 annotating CDS features with smcogs info: 7 CDSes DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 Checking if antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:45 Running antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 Marking NRPS/PKS CDS features and domains in clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains to record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:45 Checking if antismash.detection.tigrfam should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:45 Running antismash.detection.tigrfam INFO 20/07 16:52:45 Running TIGRFam search DEBUG 20/07 16:52:48 Adding detection results from antismash.detection.tigrfam to record DEBUG 20/07 16:52:48 Checking if antismash.modules.active_site_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:48 Running antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:52:49 Checking if antismash.modules.cluster_compare should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:49 Running antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:52:49 Loading comparison database: MIBiG DEBUG 20/07 16:52:49 Comparison database loaded INFO 20/07 16:52:49 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:52:51 Checking if antismash.modules.clusterblast should be run INFO 20/07 16:52:51 Running antismash.modules.clusterblast INFO 20/07 16:52:51 Finding internal homologs in each gene cluster... INFO 20/07 16:52:52 Running ClusterBlast INFO 20/07 16:52:52 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:52:54 ClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:53:09 Comparing regions to reference database INFO 20/07 16:54:20 Running subcluster search INFO 20/07 16:54:20 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:54:20 SubClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... INFO 20/07 16:54:21 Running known cluster search INFO 20/07 16:54:21 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database into memory... INFO 20/07 16:54:21 KnownClusterBlast: Loading gene cluster database proteins into memory... DEBUG 20/07 16:54:22 Running DIAMOND knowncluster searches.. INFO 20/07 16:54:22 Comparing regions to reference database DEBUG 20/07 16:54:25 Checking if antismash.modules.lanthipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:25 Running antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:25 Lanthipeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:54:27 Checking if antismash.modules.lassopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:27 Running antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:28 Lassopeptide module marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:54:28 Checking if antismash.modules.nrps_pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:28 Running antismash.modules.nrps_pks INFO 20/07 16:54:28 Predicting PKS AT domain substrate specificities by Yadav et al. PKS signature sequences INFO 20/07 16:54:28 Predicting PKS AT domain substrate specificities by Minowa et al. method INFO 20/07 16:54:30 Predicting CAL domain substrate specificities by Minowa et al. method INFO 20/07 16:54:30 Predicting PKS KR activity and stereochemistry using KR fingerprints from Starcevic et al. DEBUG 20/07 16:54:30 CandidateCluster 1 monomer ordering method: colinear DEBUG 20/07 16:54:30 Checking if antismash.modules.pfam2go should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:30 Running antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:30 Checking if antismash.modules.rrefinder should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:30 Running antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:30 Checking if antismash.modules.sactipeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:30 Running antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:30 Found no sactipeptide motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:54:32 Checking if antismash.modules.t2pks should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:32 Running antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:32 No type II PKS clusters to analyze DEBUG 20/07 16:54:32 Checking if antismash.modules.tfbs_finder should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:32 Running antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:32 Checking if antismash.modules.thiopeptides should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:32 Running antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:32 Thiopeptides marked 0 motifs DEBUG 20/07 16:54:33 Checking if antismash.modules.tta should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:33 Running antismash.modules.tta INFO 20/07 16:54:33 Skipping TTA codon detection, GC content too low: 59% INFO 20/07 16:54:33 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000027.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:33 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:33 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:33 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:33 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:34 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000028.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:34 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:34 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000029.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:34 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:34 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:34 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:35 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000030.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:35 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:35 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000031.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:35 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:35 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:35 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:36 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:36 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:36 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:36 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:36 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000032.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:36 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:36 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:36 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:36 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:37 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000033.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:37 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:37 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000034.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:37 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:37 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:37 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:38 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000035.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:38 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:38 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000036.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:38 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:38 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:38 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:39 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000037.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:39 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:39 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000038.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:39 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:39 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:39 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:40 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000039.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:40 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:40 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000040.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:40 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:40 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:40 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:41 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000041.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:41 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:41 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000042.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:41 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:41 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:41 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:42 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000043.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:42 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:42 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000044.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:42 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:42 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:42 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:43 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000045.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:43 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:43 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000046.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:43 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:43 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:43 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:44 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000047.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:44 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:44 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000048.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:44 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:44 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:44 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:45 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000049.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:45 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:45 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000050.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:45 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:45 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:45 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:46 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000051.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:46 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:46 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000052.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:46 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:46 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:46 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:47 No regions detected, skipping record INFO 20/07 16:54:47 Analysing record: NZ_JALZWP010000053.1 INFO 20/07 16:54:47 Detecting secondary metabolite clusters DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Checking if antismash.detection.hmm_detection should be run INFO 20/07 16:54:47 Running antismash.detection.hmm_detection INFO 20/07 16:54:47 HMM detection using strictness: relaxed DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 rule-based cluster(s) found in record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 protoclusters found DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 0 subregions found INFO 20/07 16:54:47 No regions detected, skipping record DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Writing json results to '/data/antismash/upload/bacteria-8feaf8a8-d7db-4946-9c34-b6acc2be3a0f/GCF_023336755.1_Roseibaca_sp.V10_V10.json' DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000001.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.genefunctions results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.tigrfam results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.active_site_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.cluster_compare results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.clusterblast results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lanthipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lassopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.nrps_pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.pfam2go results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.rrefinder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.sactipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.t2pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tfbs_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.thiopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tta results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000002.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.genefunctions results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.tigrfam results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.active_site_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.cluster_compare results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.clusterblast results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lanthipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lassopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.nrps_pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.pfam2go results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.rrefinder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.sactipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.t2pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tfbs_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.thiopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tta results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000003.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.genefunctions results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.tigrfam results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.active_site_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.cluster_compare results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.clusterblast results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lanthipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lassopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.nrps_pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.pfam2go results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.rrefinder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.sactipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.t2pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tfbs_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.thiopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tta results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000004.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000005.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000006.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000007.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000008.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Record NZ_JALZWP010000009.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.genefunctions results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.detection.tigrfam results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.active_site_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.cluster_compare results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.clusterblast results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lanthipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.lassopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.nrps_pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.pfam2go results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.rrefinder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.sactipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.t2pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tfbs_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.thiopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:47 Converting antismash.modules.tta results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000010.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000011.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000012.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000013.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000014.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000015.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000016.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000017.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000018.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000019.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000020.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000021.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000022.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000023.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000024.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000025.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000026.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.cluster_hmmer results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.genefunctions results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.nrps_pks_domains results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.tigrfam results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.active_site_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.cluster_compare results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.clusterblast results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.lanthipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.lassopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.nrps_pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.pfam2go results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.rrefinder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.sactipeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.t2pks results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.tfbs_finder results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.thiopeptides results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.modules.tta results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000027.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000028.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000029.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000030.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000031.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000032.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000033.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000034.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000035.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000036.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000037.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000038.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000039.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000040.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000041.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000042.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000043.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000044.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000045.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000046.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000047.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000048.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000049.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000050.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000051.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000052.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Record NZ_JALZWP010000053.1 has results for modules: hmm_detection DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Converting antismash.detection.hmm_detection results to json DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Annotating record NZ_JALZWP010000001.1 with results from: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides, tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Annotating record NZ_JALZWP010000002.1 with results from: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides, tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Annotating record NZ_JALZWP010000003.1 with results from: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides, tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000004.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000005.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000006.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000007.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000008.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Annotating record NZ_JALZWP010000009.1 with results from: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides, tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000010.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000011.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000012.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000013.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000014.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000015.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000016.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000017.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000018.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000019.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000020.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000021.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000022.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000023.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000024.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000025.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Annotating record NZ_JALZWP010000026.1 with results from: hmm_detection, cluster_hmmer, genefunctions, nrps_pks_domains, tigrfam, active_site_finder, cluster_compare, clusterblast, lanthipeptides, lassopeptides, nrps_pks, pfam2go, rrefinder, sactipeptides, t2pks, tfbs_finder, thiopeptides, tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.active_site_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.cluster_compare DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.clusterblast DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lanthipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.lassopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.nrps_pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.pfam2go DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.rrefinder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.sactipeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.t2pks DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tfbs_finder DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.thiopeptides DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Adding results from antismash.modules.tta DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000027.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000028.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000029.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000030.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000031.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000032.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000033.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000034.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000035.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000036.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000037.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000038.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000039.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000040.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000041.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000042.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000043.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000044.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000045.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000046.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000047.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000048.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000049.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000050.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000051.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000052.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Not annotating skipped record NZ_JALZWP010000053.1: No regions detected DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Creating results page DEBUG 20/07 16:54:48 Results page using antismash.js from local copy: /databases/as-js/0.13/antismash.js DEBUG 20/07 16:54:52 Creating results SVGs DEBUG 20/07 16:54:52 Writing seq_records SVGs to '/data/antismash/upload/bacteria-8feaf8a8-d7db-4946-9c34-b6acc2be3a0f/svg' DEBUG 20/07 16:54:52 Writing cluster-specific genbank files DEBUG 20/07 16:54:52 Writing final genbank file to '/data/antismash/upload/bacteria-8feaf8a8-d7db-4946-9c34-b6acc2be3a0f/GCF_023336755.1_Roseibaca_sp.V10_V10.gbk' DEBUG 20/07 16:54:53 Zipping output to '/data/antismash/upload/bacteria-8feaf8a8-d7db-4946-9c34-b6acc2be3a0f/'